ALL - Marion County Agriculture: Past, Present, Future

  Dates & times
  • Tue, 11/05/2024 - 10:00am
  Age Groups Adult Lifelong Learning


ALL - Adult Lifelong Learning

*** Program registration and payment required ***

Fall All

Marion County Agriculture: Past, Present, Future 
Tuesday, November 5 & 12 at 10:00 am

Join us for a tour of Marion County Production Agriculture, which involves the combination of land, water, labor, seeds, nutrients, pesticides, and machinery in the production of food and fiber. Each farmer’s objectives include profit, income adequacy and stability, risk reduction, production sustainability, peer group acceptability, lifestyle maintenance, and environmental preservation or improvement. We will explore soil and crop management, pest management, nutrient management, and water management. Agriculture forms a great economic base for Marion County, and several of Marion’s industries reflect the importance of agriculture to this community: Morral Companies LLC, Nachurs Alpine Solutions, Ohiogro INC., Poet Biorefining, ReConserve of Ohio Inc., Central Ohio Farmers’ Cooperative, and Wyandot Inc., 
are among the ag-related industries.

Session One: Crop Production
Session Two: Livestock Production

Each 1hr course led by:
Tim Barnes a “Retired Farmer” who has raised corn, soybean, wheat, hay, canola, swine, sheep, and cattle for the past 45 years. In 2015 he became the Ohio State University Extension Educator for Agriculture/Natural Resources on a part time basis for Marion County. A graduate of Elgin High School, he has a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences from The Ohio State University and a Masters of Science from Kansas State University in Animal Sciences. Tim and his wife Debbie reside on their farm south of Prospect.