
Support lifelong learning and literacy at Marion Public Library by:

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library logo with MPL logoMake a donation to the Marion Imagination Library Fund, which should be directed to the Marion Community Foundation, 504 South State Street, Marion, Ohio  43302.
Your gift will help put one book per month in the hands of Marion County children aged 0 to under 5. This early childhood literacy initiative would not be possible without local agencies, Ohio Governor's Imagination Library, and Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. 

Marion Community Foundation LogoMaking a donation to the Marion Public Library Endowment Fund via Marion Community Foundation. Your generosity supports the print and digital collections and children, teen, and adult programs at Marion Public Library.

Giving directly to Marion Public Library in honor or memory of family or friends. Your gift will support the growth of fiction and/or nonfiction collections at Marion Public Library. Checks and cash are accepted.

Let's Read 20 logo
Making a donation to Let's Read 20 Endowment Fund via Marion Community Foundation. Your contribution will go towards building a Marion County community of readers. Let's Read 20 encourages everyone to read to a child for at least 20 minutes each day. Let's Read 20 is administered through Marion Public Library.

Donating your gently used books. Your used books are evaluated and in some cases added to Marion Public Library collections and in others sold during the annual book sale. Drop off books anytime the Marion Public Library is open.


BookMarks logoBecoming a member of or making a donation to BookMarks. BookMarks is a group of volunteers, who, through events, the BookMarket, and the annual book sale, support Marion Public Library's services, programs, and facilities. BookMarks is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code.

Shopping at the BookMarket located in Marion Public Library (check BookMarks for hours). Find gently used fiction and nonfiction books along with some novelty items. Treat yourself or find the perfect gift.

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